Zambia High Commission April 2014Foil Vedanta is an independent grassroots solidarity organization focused primarily on the FTSE 250 British-Indian mining company Vedanta Resources PLC. Foil Vedanta targets the company in London where it is registered, as well as linking with people’s movements where Vedanta is destroying lives and devastating the land in India, Zambia, Liberia, South Africa and elsewhere.

Foil Vedanta is a network of grassroots activists from a variety of struggles in Britain and worldwide. We are not a single issue campaign but work in solidarity and collaboration with other peoples’ struggles against corporate take-over, resource racism and neo-colonialism, seeing ourselves as part of an ever widening global movement.

We hold demonstrations in London, visit and establish close links with local resisting groups, and carry out cutting edge research into the company’s activities and atrocities, publishing articles and reports on our website. One of our main aims is to get Vedanta de-listed from the London Stock Exchange for their multiple human rights abuses and illegal operations.

In recent years Foil Vedanta has been closely involved in the successful struggle of the Dongria Kond tribe and local farmers to save the Niyamgiri Hills in Odisha from Vedanta’s proposed bauxite mine. We have also made major interventions in Zambia, helping polluted farmers get justice in UK courts, and exposing Vedanta’s financial manipulations and tax evasion, leading to changes in mineral policy.


Foil Vedanta has received occasional funding for trips to visit communities, and activist expenses, from Network for Social Change and Edge Fund. The rest of our basic funding needs are covered by our own fundraising such as cooking fundraising meals. All Foil Vedanta activists give their time on a voluntary basis.

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