3rd August Seven global locations in India and Africa held angry protests today and over the weekend opposing the activities of British-Indian mining company VedantaRead More
3rd August Seven global locations in India and Africa held angry protests today and over the weekend opposing the activities of British-Indian mining company VedantaRead More
29th June 2015. Representatives from Foil Vedanta, Women of Colour in Global Women’s Strike, Black dissidents, All Africa Women’s Group, Sorry you Feel Uncomortable, SurvivialRead More
Join us for the 11th annual Global Days of Action against Vedanta Resources and its subsidiaries. On Monday the 3rd of August we will holdRead More
Please join us to oppose the 6th Annual Responsible Extractives Summit at Tower Bridge Hilton on Monday 29th June. Expose crooked executives from Shell, Vedanta,Read More
2nd April 2015. The Supreme Court of Zambia today upheld a 2011 High Court verdict which found Vedanta (KCM) guilty of water pollution which poisonedRead More
On Friday 6th February 200 people who were victims of a major pollution incident caused by Konkola Copper Mines in 2006, which poisoned the KafueRead More