Please join us to oppose the 6th Annual Responsible Extractives Summit at Tower Bridge Hilton on Monday 29th June. Expose crooked executives from Shell, Vedanta,Read More
Please join us to oppose the 6th Annual Responsible Extractives Summit at Tower Bridge Hilton on Monday 29th June. Expose crooked executives from Shell, Vedanta,Read More
2nd June. This article also appeared in the Lusaka Times on May 19th. On 2nd April the Supreme Court of Zambia upheld a precedent HighRead More
On Friday 6th February 200 people who were victims of a major pollution incident caused by Konkola Copper Mines in 2006, which poisoned the KafueRead More
26th January 2015. Just five days before January’s Sri Lankan Presidential elections former Minister of Power and Energy Champika Ranawaka dropped a bombshell, accusing MahindaRead More
26th January 2015. Just five days before January’s Sri Lankan Presidential elections former Minister of Power and Energy Champika Ranawaka dropped a bombshell, accusing MahindaRead More
10th December 2014. Bangladeshi activists, in conjunction with a diverse group of environmental and left political activists in London, heckled the investors of Global CoalRead More